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My name is Misha (Mikhail) Mazel.
I was born in Moscow, Russia (USSR) in April 1967. I graduated Mathematical School and technical university but… now I'm a lyrical poet and photographer.
I was lucky. My family, friends, school teachers loved me. They are talented and very good people. All my life they share with me their experience, knowledge, sense of taste and help me grow in my abilities.
I liked to travel through the former USSR, I liked canoe trips but unfortunately, because of an accident, I lost the ability to walk and became wheelchair bound in 1995. Because of this my, family emigrated to New York in 1997. I'm a New Yorker now. (Really I live in Jersey City and like my city and Hoboken, but I'm a New Yorker and I cannot imagine myself in another city or town in USA).
I started to write poetry late. I was a 20 year old student when I wrote my first poem. I also started shooting pictures professionally after moving to USA (but on an amateur level I started at age 13).
I'm vice-president of the Russian Writers' Club of New York, editor and designer of our websites and Periodic Almanacs. I also do a lot of web projects connected with Russian Arts, Culture, Music, Poetry and Emigration. As I started as a scientist, now - I‘m a pure humanitarian.
One of my Russian poetry books is called «Urban Pastoral» and I decide to call this show the same name. I like cities. I like nature. I try to see harmony between Nature, Cities, People, any small and big things and try to reflect the connections between them in my poetry, photographs, handwriting, drawings, short stories…
I hope I do it well, and I’m glad to share my photo art with you at this show.
Please remember: first of all I'm a poet (although I write poems only in Russian) and my photo language, of course, is influenced by this, but unlike my real poems my pictures are accessible for multi-language viewers. Like doctors: I follow in my Art Hippocratic Oath: «Do Not Harm!» - and I try to bring people hope. Maybe my poems or pictures are sad sometimes, but I try to make my sad feelings bring Light, but not despair. I wish people to think.
I try to be active. Yes – I’m wheelchair bound for 25 years, but every day I run 4-7 miles in any weather. I do photos, write poems and stories, develop web sites, take care of one of the oldest Russian Literature Society… I do this for myself and for all of you.
Not in different way!!!
Be happy, lucky and merry!
Sincerely, Misha Mazel.
My 9th Personal Photo Exhibition
Gia Gelato Cafe
281 Newark Ave., Jersey City, NJ 07302
Call (201) 216-0555
Opening: June 7, 2019 6.30pm
Continues to the end of August

Photos bellow clicable and open in new windows

With Major of Jersey City Mr. Stiven Fulop and councilman James Solomon
My Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mazel.misha